Organized byQuadam Veterinary
Addressed to Veterinarians
ABOUT THE COURSE This program has been approved for 77 hours of continuing education credit in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval. Program Number: 1274182.
The program follows a logical approach and starts with a discussion of some general aspects of clinical neurology. We start with the basic components of the nervous system and their clinical importance. This is followed by how to perform a neurological examination in a busy clinical setting and how to recognise the most likely diagnosis without expensive diagnostic. We then progress with a discussion on how to use and interpret diagnostic tests that are widely available in a first-opinion clinical setting before providing an introduction to more advanced diagnostic modalities. We subsequently continue with some common clinical presentations, such as epilepsy, weakness, and vestibular syndrome. We will also discuss common neurological emergencies, such as acute hind limb paralysis, traumatic brain injury, and status epilepticus. We will focus on how to approach these cases in clinical practice and how to differentiate between cases that can be managed by yourself or those that need to be referred to specialists. Finally, we will discuss how to look after neurology patients in your practice before finishing off with one of the biggest controversies in clinical neurology: ‘corticosteroids – friend or foe?’.
PROGRAM PART 1: From February 3 to March 16 (6 weeks)
Week 1: What is the nervous system and what happens if it doesn’t work.
Week 2. How to perform a neuro exam in practice
Week 3. The concept of clinical reasoning
Week 4. Use and limitations of spinal radiographs
Week 5. Introduction to more advanced diagnostic tests
Week 6. Case studies (I).
PART 2: From April 14 to June 15 (9 weeks)
Week 7. Epilepsy: what, why and how to treat
Week 8. Common problems in epilepsy
Week 9. The acute brain: head trauma and status epilepticus
Week 10. Movement disorders and tremor syndromes
Week 11. Abnormalities of the head and face
Week 12. How to approach vestibular syndrome in practice
Week 13. Cognitive dysfunction syndrome: do dogs and cats get dementia?
Week 14. Epilepsy and vestibular syndrome in cats
Week 15. Case studies (II)
PART 3: From September 8 to November 16 (10 weeks)
Week 16. Traumatic spinal injury – vertebral fracture and luxation
Week 17. How to approach acute hind limb paralysis in dogs
Week 18. Chronic spinal disease in dogs
Week 19. Spinal disease in cats
Week 20. Common neck problems in dogs
Week 21. Lesson 19: How to recognise neuromuscular disease in practice
Week 22. Lesson 20: Lameness – neurological or orthopedic?
Week 23. Lesson 21: Corticosteroids in small animal neurology
Week 24. Lesson 22: Neurology patients hospitalization
Week 25. Case studies (III)
1. Constant presence of the teacher during the entire duration of the course, available to answer any questions raised by the students.
2. The course is attended simultaneously by all students. Enhancing students’ sharing and participatory experience is a QUADAM hallmark.
3. All lessons are audiovisual and available at any time.
QUADAM specializes in developing high-quality online courses for veterinarians and provides rigorous, independent content in an appealing, user-friendly form. Our courses have no sponsorship arrangements with pharmaceutical laboratories, in order to avoid any possible commercial influences on course content, especially with regard to therapeutic aspects.