Online courses |


Juan M. Martí


Veterinary Surgical Specialists. Virginia. USA

Experience as a tutor in e-learning at Quadam

About the teacher

Dr. Juan Marti brings our team 15 years of experience in veterinary medicine, and is a former clinical instructor and professor for Mississippi State University and Ohio State University. Specializing in small animal surgery with an emphasis on orthopedics, Dr. Marti has studied everywhere from Spain to the UK to Scotland and served his residency at North Carolina State. Dr. Marti enjoys being able to use his skills to help improve the quality of life of pets and, indirectly, the quality of life of their owners. His hobbies and interests include cycling, clay-pigeon shooting, reading and traveling.
Más de 50 horas de experiencia acreditada como tutor en la modalidad de teleformación.
Quadam Veterinaria

Courses delivered

Ruptura del ligamento cruzado craneal en perros

La ruptura del ligamento cruzado craneal en el perro es la causa de cojera más frecuente en la extremidad posterior...


27 Apr 2014